


The County Commission of Wood County will be accepting sealed bids for removal and replacement of asphalt; cleaning out ditch line and adding stone; and the replacement of the gate operating loop at the E-911 Center.

Specifications may be obtained at 911 Core Road, Parkersburg, WV or email request to rwoodyard@woodcountywv. com.

Sealed bids will be opened by the County Commission, during regular session, in Room 203 of the Wood County Courthouse on Monday, September 28, 2015 at 9:30 oáclock A.M. All sealed bids must be received no later than 9:00 oáclock A.M. on Monday, September 28, 2015.

The County Commission is an equal opportunity employer and reserves the right to reject any and/or all bids.


/s/: Stephen Gainer, President Wood County Commission



Sep 14, 21