

ADVERTISEMENT Notice is hereby given that Kingston Mining, Inc., 600 Resource Drive, Scarbro, WV 25917 has submitted an application to the Department of Environmental Protection (DEP), Division of Mining and Reclamation located at 254 Industrial Drive, Oak Hill, WV 25901 for an Article 3 permit for the surface disturbance of approximately 21.63 acres in order to face up and operate a deep mine in the Sewell – Kanawha seam of coal. The proposed operation is discharging into Unnamed Tributaries of/and Boyd Branch of/and Paint Creek of Kanawha River and is located 1.25 miles, southeast of Pax in the Plateau District of Fayette County, Longitude 81 f 15′ 24″ and Latitude 37 f 53′ 31″ (Coordinates from USGS Topographic Map). This mining application was re-advertised because of an update of Kingston Resources, Inc.’s conversion to Kingston Mining, Inc. Surface of the area associated herewith and the mineral associated herewith is owned by: NAME ADDRESS Western Pocahontas Properties Limited Partnership 5260 Irwin Road, Huntington, WV 25702-3247 Written comments and/or requests for an informal conference of the surface mining application shall identify the applicant and application number and will be received by the Permit Supervisor at the DEP address above until March 5, 2015, or ten (10) days from date of publication. A copy of the application will be available for review until March 5, 2015, or ten (10) days from date of publication in the DEP Regional Office located at the address above AND in the Fayette County Clerk’s Office during normal business hours. DEP Telephone No.: (304) 465-1911 Permit No.: U-3004-13 2-23-MON-1-FT; LG 121
