

ADVERTISEMENT Notice is hereby given that Kanawha Energy Company, One Alpha Place, Abingdon, VA 24212 has submitted an application for the Reissuance of Article 11 /WVNPDES Permit No.WV0094226 to the Department of Environmental Protection, 254 Industrial Drive, Oak Hill, West Virginia 25901-6102 in order to continue to operate a coal deep mine, surface mine, refuse pile, and to add a truck wash in the 5B, Stockton, Stockton A, Upper Coalburg, Middle Coalburg, Lower Coalburg, Upper Winifrede, Lower Winifrede, Hernshaw, #2 Gas, Powellton and Eagle seams of coal. The operation will discharge treated water and storm water into Boomer Branch and Kanawha River of the Upper Kanawha River and is located 1.5 miles, East of Boomer in Valley District of Fayette County, Longitude 81 f 15′ 0″ and Latitude 38 f 09′ 33″ (Coordinates from USGS Topographic Map). The Department of Environmental Protection is seeking information on private surface water intakes for human consumption located in the above listed receiving streams and located down stream of this operation. Please provide your name, phone number, mailing address, the name of the stream being with the intake, and the physical location of the intake. This information needs to be submitted to the address above. An anti-degradation review has been conducted. Tier 1 protection is afforded because effluent limitations ensure compliance with water quality criteria for all designated uses. Where applicable, a full Tier 2 anti-degradation review has been conducted. Comments on the Article 11/WVNPDES application or requests for a public hearing regarding the Article 11/NPDES application shall be in writing and if a public hearing is requested shall state the nature of the issues proposed to be raised in the hearing. Such written comments or requests should be sent to the Department of Environmental Protection (DEP) at the address above, and must also reference the Article 11 /WVNPDES permit number shown above. Comments received by April 24, 2015, or thirty (30) days from date of publication, will be considered. A copy of the Article 11/WVNPDES application, draft permit, rational page and fact sheet (if required) will be available for inspection and obtaining copies during normal business hours at the DEP Regional Office located at the address above. DEP Telephone No. (304) 465-1911 Article 11/NPDES Permit No. WV0094226 3-25-WED-1-MH; LG 477
