

Sealed Bids for the Crichton Elementary School Additions and Renovations will be received by the Greenbrier County Board of Education, located at 202 Chestnut Street, Lewisburg, Greenbrier County, West Virginia, until 1:30 PM, L.P.T., on Tuesday, August 11, 2015, for furnishing labor and materials and performing all Work set forth in the Contract Documents prepared by The Thrasher Group, Inc.  Immediately following the scheduled closing time for the reception of Bids, all proposals which have been submitted in accordance with the conditions of the Contract Documents will be publicly opened and read aloud.
The Work to be Bid upon is as described as follows:
The Owner requests two Bid Options be submitted by the contractor, Option 1 includes: Complete HVAC replacement utilizing a VAV system throughout the facility, limited ceiling replacement, electrical work to support renovation and addition, complete window replacement, a safe school entry, incorporating an addition, access controls and renovations to the front office suite.  Option 2 includes Complete HVAC replacement utilizing a VFR system throughout the facility, limited ceiling replacement, electrical work to support renovations and addition, complete window replace-ment, safe school entry incorporating an addition, access controls and renova-tions to the front office suite with the addition of a principal’s office.
The Work will be substantially complete within 180 consecutive calendar days from date of issuance of the Notice to Proceed with final completion 30 consecutive calendar days thereafter.  Liquidated damages shall be $750.00 per day.
Contract Documents may be examined at the following places:
Greenbrier County Board of Education        202 Chestnut Street
Lewisburg, WV 24401
The Thrasher Group, Inc.
600 White Oaks Boulevard            Bridgeport, WV 26330
Dodge Reports      
Contractor’s Association of WV          2114 Kanawha Boulevard East        Charleston, WV 25311
Complete sets of Bidding Documents may be obtained from the office of The Thrasher Group, Inc., (304)624-4108, for the following costs:
• Bidding Documents issued as hard copy drawings and hard copy specifications are available for $75 per set.
• Bidding Documents issued as digital drawings and digital specifi-cations on a C.D., are available for $25 per set.
Amounts paid are not subject to refund.
Bids shall be submitted using a three envelope system.
Valid Bid Bond, certification of receipt of addenda (SBA 184), Bid Certification Form (SBA 157) and a copy of the bidder’s valid WV Contractor’s License, a copy of WV Drug Free Work Place Affidavit (SBA 188) and the State of WV Purchasing Affidavit (SBA 182), shall be sealed in an opaque envelope labeled “Envelope #1”. The completed and signed bid form shall be sealed in an opaque envelope labeled “Envelope #2 Bid Form”. Envelopes #1 and #2 and the SBA bid checklist (SBA Form 183)  shall be addressed to the party receiving the Bids and shall be identified with the Project name, the Bidder’s name and address and  the designated portion of the Work for which the Bid is submitted. If the Bid is sent by mail, the sealed envelope shall be enclosed in a separate mailing envelope with the notation “SEALED BID ENCLOSED” on the face thereof. Failure to provide any of the required documentation will result in disqualification of the bid being submitted.
A Bidder may not withdraw his Bid for a period of ninety (90) days after the date set for the opening of Bids.
Bids shall be accompanied by a Bid Bond payable to the Greenbrier County Board of Education, an amount equal to five percent (5{4ceb532c6f579389df471c6c1e832caf2346b74dc60fcbf6aabd4d29df3baf9c}) of the Total Bid.
Bidders must hold a current West Virginia contractor’s license on the date of Bid Opening.
Bids received after the scheduled closing time for the reception of Bids will be returned unopened to the bidders.
The Greenbrier County Board of Education reserves the right to reject any and all bids.
A MANDATORY pre-bid confer-ence will be held at the Crichton Elementary School, located on School Street in Crichton, Greenbrier County, West Virginia, on Tuesday, July 28, 2015, at 11:00 a.m., L.P.T.
Sallie E. Dalton, Superintendent
Greenbrier County Schools
The Thrasher Group, Inc.
600 White Oaks Boulevard
Bridgeport, WV 26330
