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Air quality permit notice
notice of application
notice is given that XTO Energy, Inc. has applied to the West Virginia Department of Enviromental Protection, Division of Air Quality, for General Permit Registration for a Nonmetallic Mineral Procesing Plant located at 2518 Grays Run road, Worthington in Marion County, West Virginia. the latitude and longitude coordinates are (39.4396N, 80.32144W)
the applicant estimates the potential to discharge the following Regulated Air Pollutants will be: Pardiculate Matter (PM) 6.23 tons per year, CO 1.13 tons per year, VOC 1.04 tons per year, NO 3.04tons per year.
Startup of operation is planned to begin on or about the the 1st day of May, 2015. Written comments will be received by the West Virginia Department of Enviromental Protection,
Division of Air Quality, 601 57th Street,SE, Charleston, WV 25304, for at least 30 Calendar days from the date of publication of this notice.
Any questions regarding this permit application should be directed to the DAQ at (304) 926-0499, extension 1227, during normal business hours.
March 12, 2015
By: XTO Energy,Inc.
Berhardt Kissel
Regulatory Manager
PO Box 1008
Jane Lew, WV 26378
March 18, 2015