The City of Fairmont’s Board of Zoning Appeals will hold a public hearing for the following request on February 5, 2015 at 7:00 P.M. at the Public Safety Building, 500 Quincy Street, at which time interested persons may appear and be heard.
1. Rodney Downey is requesting a conditional use to operate an auto tinting business at 323.5 Fairmont Avenue (Tax Map 03-02, Parcel 113)
2. J.D. Signs, Inc., on behalf of MVB Bank at 100 NASA Blvd., is requesting a variance from the Fairmont City Code, Section 1342.08 On-Premise Signs, (c) High Technology Park, (2) Height Limit, which limits the height of the entire sign structure to twenty (20) feet from grade. The proposed sign elevation is fifty (50) feet from grade (Tax Map 09-20, parcel 17).
Rich Wood, President
Fairmont Board of
Zoning Appeals
Times: January 22, 2015