Bus and County Vehicle Sale
Randolph County Schools will be accepting bids on the following vehicles:
A. Bus # 54B-1991 International with 163,236 miles. 77 passenger, 5 speed with a bad body.
B. Bus # 74B-1996 International with 185,668 miles, 77 passenger, 5 speed 444E with a bad transmission.
C. Bus # 87B-1999 Freightliner with 183,763 miles, 77 passenger,
automatic cat3126 with a bad body.
D. Bus # 1-A-2000 Freightliner with 143,555 miles, 84 passenger,
automatic cat 3126 with a bad transmission.
E. Bus # 14A-2001 Freightliner with 152,448 miles, 90 passenger,
automatic with a bad transmission.
F. Bus # 15A-2002 International with 136,294 miles, Handy Cap
automatic with a bad motor.
G. Bus # 3A-2000 International 466 Engine with 216,078 miles. 5 Speed. Bad body.
H. 1993 Dodge 1/2 ton Dodge pickup with 152,434 miles. Body and transmission are bad. Used in the maintenance department.
I. 2000 Chevrolet One Ton Food Service Box truck with 102,409 miles with a bad frame and body.
J. 1998 GMC AWD Safari Van with 100,000 miles. 6 cy. Engine. Bad body and frame.
All vehicles are sold “AS IS.” Randolph County Schools will accept cashier’s checks, personal checks, and cash for the vehicles. All Vehicles must be removed from the property within 10 days of the awarding bid notification. Randolph County Schools has the right to refuse or reject any or all bids.
Vehicles will be available for viewing at the School Bus Garage on 15th Street, Elkins, WV July 20th thru 24th, 2015. All bids must be submitted to Randolph County Schools C/O Bids, Randy Long Transportation, 40 11th Street, Elkins, WV 26241, by July 29, 2015. Bids will be opened at 10 AM on July 30 at the Randolph County Schools Transportation Office, 40 11th Street, Elkins, WV. If you have any questions you may call Randy at (304)636-9150 EXT 145.
7/11, 7/15, 7/17