IN THE FAMILY COURT OF OHIO COUNTY, WEST VIRGINIA To: KEVIN SHEPHERDRespndent’s Name400 WOOD STREETResponden’t St. AddressWHEELING, WV 26003Respondent’s City/State/ Zip9/24/1958Respondents Date of Birth.Magistrate Court Case No: 20-M35D-00154Family Court Civil Action No: 20-DV-134 ORDER OF PUBLICATION PROTECTIVE ORDER/HEARING DATE1. The object of this suit is to obtain protection from the[Read More…]
Public Notice
ADVERTISEMENT FOR BIDSPUBLIC NOTICE TO BIDDERSSealed bids will be received by the Housing Authority of the City of Wheeling, WV, 11 Community Street, Wheeling, WV 26003 until 1:30PM/ EST, TUESDAY, JANUARY 19, 2021 for the following project: HEATING BOILERS & DOMESTIC HOT WATER HEATERS REPLACEMENTLuau Manor ApartmentsWheeling, WV 26003Comm. 3120[Read More…]
Public Notice
AIR QUALITY PERMIT NOTICENotice of ApplicationNotice is given that Jupiter Aluminum Corporation has applied to the West Virginia Department of Environmental Protection, Division of Air Quality, for a Class II Administrative Update to their R13 Permit and Administrative Amendment to their Title V Permit for corrections to include emissions from[Read More…]
Public Notice
IN THE FAMILY COURT OF OHIO COUNTY, WEST VIRGINIA To: JARRETT JAMES ROBINSON68170 BRIDGE STREETBRIDGEPORT, OHIO 439123/25/1982Respondents Date of Birth.Magistrate Court Case No: 20-M35D-00152Family Court Civil Action No: 20-DV-132 ORDER OF PUBLICATION PROTECTIVE ORDER/HEARING DATE1. The object of this suit is to obtain protection from the Respondent.2. The object of[Read More…]
Public Notice
NOTICE TO BIDDERSSTATE OF OHIODEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATIONColumbus, OhioDivision of ConstructionManagementLegal Copy Number: 210025Sealed proposals will be accepted from pre – qualified bidders at the ODOT Office of Contracts until 10:00 a.m. on January 14, 2021. Project 210025 is located in Jefferson County, SR 150A/SR 7 Park & Ride and is[Read More…]
Public Notice
Public NoticeA Public Hearing will be held at 10:00am on Tuesday January 5, 2021 at the Weirton Housing Authority main office, 525 Cove Road Weirton WV to receive comments on the Weirton Housing Authority’s (WHA) Annual Plan. The plan has been developed in compliance with the Quality Housing and Work[Read More…]
Public Notice
TRUSTEE’S SALE OF VALUABLE REAL ESTATEThe undersigned Substitute Trustee, by virtue of the authority vested in him by that certain Deed of Trust, dated June 24, 2016, and duly recorded in the Office of the Clerk of the County Commission of Ohio County, West Virginia, in Document No. 19636439, in[Read More…]
Public Notice
UF IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF OHIO COUNTY, WEST VIRGINIA PETITION NO.20-CJA-80 In the Matter of G.B, whose date of birth is September 11, 2020; alleged to be an abused and neglected child WEST VIRGINIA DEPARTMENT OFHEALTH AND HUMAN RESOURCESPetitioner,vs.BETHANY EFAW, biological mother of infant G.B., Respondent. NOTICE OF PUBLICATION[Read More…]
Public Notice
UF IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF OHIO COUNTY, WEST VIRGINIA PETITION NO.20-CJA-38 JAC In the Matter of K.A.,Whose date of birth is May 16, 2009,alleged to be abused and neglected child. WEST VIRGINIA DEPARTMENT OFHEALTH AND HUMAN RESOURCESPetitioner,vs.ALLISON ARMSTRONG, biological mother of infant K.A., andUNKNOWN FATHER of infant K.A.,Respondents NOTICE[Read More…]
Public Notice
IN THE FAMILY COURT OF OHIO COUNTY, WEST VIRGINIA To: ANDY RUSSELL SCOTT, JR106 BROOK STREETWHEELING, WV 260031/24/1993Respondents Date of Birth.Magistrate Court Case No: 20-M35D-00147Family Court Civil Action No: 20-DV-129 ORDER OF PUBLICATION PROTECTIVE ORDER/HEARING DATE1. The object of this suit is to obtain protection from the Respondent.2. The object[Read More…]