PUBLIC NOTICE New River Ranch, Inc., a Residential Group Child Care Facility and Behavioral Health Center, pursuant to West Virginia financial disclosure requirements, herewith submits the following as a matter of public notification: New River Ranch, Inc. Statement of Assets, Liabilities and Net Assets – Modified Cash Basis August 31, 2014 Assets Cash $191,948 Employee advances 120 Buildings and equipment 996,143 Total Assets $1,188,211 Liabilities and Net Assets Notes payable 195,528 Total Liabilities 195,528 Net Assets Unrestricted 986,685 Temporarily unrestricted 5,998 Total Net Assets 992,683 Total Liabilities and Net Assets $1,188,211 New River Ranch, Inc. Statement of Revenues, Expenses, and Other Changes in Net Assets – Modified Cash Basis For the Year Ended August 31, 2014 Revenues, Gains and Other Support West Virginia Department of Health and Human Resources $1,291,865 West Virginia Church of God State Office 30,771 National Christian Foundation 42,000 Contributions 12,174 Interest 9 Total Revenues, Gains and Other Support 1,376,819 Expenses and Losses Grants and other program activities 1,098,584 Management and general 422,951 Total Expenses and Losses 1,521,535 Change in Net Assets (144,716) Net Assets, Beginning of Year 1,137,399 Net Assets, End of Year $992,683 This and other information with regard to the operation of New River Ranch, Inc. is available for public inspection at the West Virginia Health Care Authority, 100 Dee Drive, Suite 201, Charleston, WV 25311. New River Ranch, Inc. provides services on an Equal Opportunity Basis. New River Ranch, Inc., P.O. Box 178, Fayetteville, WV 25840 9-14-MON-1-RH; LG 3415