

FAYETTE COUNTY CHILD DEVELOPMENT, INC. Public Report for Fiscal Year Ending July 31, 2015 Fayette County Child Development, Inc. (FCCDI) is a federally funded non-profit organization that receives a grant through the Department of Health and Human Services to operate both a Head Start and Early Head Start programs. For the program year August 1, 2014 – July 31, 2015 our organization received $1,712,210.00 to operate the Head Start program and $442,291.00 to operate the Early Head Start program. FCCDI received $26,208.00 for training and technical assistance for our Head Start program and $10,915.00 for our Early Head Start program. FCCDI received a total of $148,142.00 in USDA reimbursements to provide nutritious meals for children in both programs. FCCDI received $294,093.00 from the Fayette County Board of Education through reimbursements for the Pre-K program and $1,000.00 from an Exxon Mobile Grant. FCCDI received $21,573.00 in cash rebates from using E-Rate for our telecommunication services / bills. We also accumulated $532,730.00 in private in-kind donations / services for Head Start and $200,654.00 for Early Head Start. This made our total budget for this fiscal year to be $3,389,608.00. Expenditures from each source of funding can be viewed on the Financial Disclosure Form attached. FCCDI received Head Start funds to provide services to 248 children and families. During this fiscal year we provided services to 306 children and families throughout the year. FCCDI received funds to provide services to 40 children and families with the EHS grant. We provided services to a total of 59 children and families in the Early Head Start program. Our organization maintained 100{4ceb532c6f579389df471c6c1e832caf2346b74dc60fcbf6aabd4d29df3baf9c} enrollment each month during the fiscal year in both programs. At no time during the fiscal year did we have less than the required number of children enrolled in either program. According to our latest Community Assessment our program provided services to 74.6{4ceb532c6f579389df471c6c1e832caf2346b74dc60fcbf6aabd4d29df3baf9c} of eligible 4 year old Head Start children and only 31{4ceb532c6f579389df471c6c1e832caf2346b74dc60fcbf6aabd4d29df3baf9c} of eligible EHS children. Through collaboration with the local BOE and other child development agencies, our combined effort produced servicing 100{4ceb532c6f579389df471c6c1e832caf2346b74dc60fcbf6aabd4d29df3baf9c} of eligible 4 year old children requesting services. A financial audit of our program is scheduled for the end of October and we expect no findings as the preliminary reports show and there are no issues with mismanagement of funds. Our program continues to meet or exceed all Performance Standards that govern Head Start and Early Head Start programs as determined by our latest Self-Assessment and the 3 Federal Reviews our program underwent during this year. A complete copy of our latest Federal Audit, Financial Audit and Self-Assessment can be viewed in our Central Office at 102 Hunter Street, Oak Hill, WV. Medical exams were obtained on over 95{4ceb532c6f579389df471c6c1e832caf2346b74dc60fcbf6aabd4d29df3baf9c} of Head Start children enrolled and 100{4ceb532c6f579389df471c6c1e832caf2346b74dc60fcbf6aabd4d29df3baf9c} of Early Head Start children enrolled. Of the children needing medical treatment or follow-up services, 100{4ceb532c6f579389df471c6c1e832caf2346b74dc60fcbf6aabd4d29df3baf9c} of children received such treatment / follow-up in both options. A Dental Screening was obtained on over 85{4ceb532c6f579389df471c6c1e832caf2346b74dc60fcbf6aabd4d29df3baf9c} of children enrolled in Head Start and 100{4ceb532c6f579389df471c6c1e832caf2346b74dc60fcbf6aabd4d29df3baf9c} in EHS. Of the children obtaining this screening and needing follow-up, 100{4ceb532c6f579389df471c6c1e832caf2346b74dc60fcbf6aabd4d29df3baf9c} received the required treatment / follow-up. FCCDI provides a wide range of opportunities for parents to be involved with the program. One such area is the Policy Council. Membership of this group is individually voted on at each Center, by the parents of enrolled children. This group acts as a vital part of our Management structure of the organization and overall program governance. Their roles consists of approving all funding applications, employment of staff, policies / procedures and program goals. At each center, parents are also encouraged to participate in site activities through parent meetings, parent activity days, volunteer reading and assisting in the development of daily lesson plans. Parents also receive various training throughout the year including CPR / First Aid, resume writing, interviewing skills, college financial aid workshops, weatherization programs and CDL/HOTS training for parents who want to be placed on our employment sub lists. FCCDI is committed to providing a smooth transition from local programs into EHS / Head Start and from Head Start to the local BOE. We do this by maintaining a transition plan that involves meeting with agencies and BOE personnel and by having children visit each site. We work with children throughout the year by developing goals for children to help them get ready for kindergarten. Classroom instruction is geared toward large group and individualized learning opportunities. Child progress is kept on each child enrolled to meet goals. Children with special needs are monitored by our Mental Health / Disabilities Specialist. This person ensures that children needing additional services are provided the services through one of our many contracted professional providers. Fayette County Child Development, Inc. is committed to preparing children for public school. We utilize a comprehensive curriculum in all of our classrooms. This curriculum is then tailored to meet children’s individual needs. All children have Individualized Education Plans. These plans allow for individual instruction. Children’s progress in obtaining school readiness goals is monitored using a computer data base. Updates of the child’s progress is given to parents. FCCDI, has developed Child Outcomes plans for all children enrolled. These plans include benchmarks for developmental progression. All areas of the Child Outcomes Plan showed improvement from the beginning of the year to the end. Science and Math areas were particularly targeted and improvement in children’s development in these areas progressed. In addition, FCCDI utilizes 2 separate methods of monitoring our classroom environment. These methods are the ECERS and the CLASS assessments. Both tools used proved that our classrooms are meeting or exceeding facility and classroom learning environment requirements. FAYETTE COUNTY CHILD DEVELOPMENT, INC. FINANCIAL DISCLOSURE REVENUE AND EXPENSES FY ENDED: July 31, 2015 Description: Amount REVENUES: FEDERAL HEAD START PROGRAM FUNDING 1,712,002 FEDERAL TRAINING AND TECHNICAL ASSISTANCE 26,208 TOTAL HEAD START FUNDING 1,738,210 FEDERAL EARLY HEAD START FUNDING 442,291 FEDERAL EARLY HEAD START TRAINING AND TECHNICAL ASSISTANCE 10,915 TOTAL EARLY HEAD START FUNDING 453,206 NUTRITION PROGRAMS FUNDING 148,142 FAYETTE COUNTY BOARD OF EDUCATION FUNDING 294,093 COMMUNICATIONS REBATES 21,573 LOCAL PRIVATE IN-KIND HEAD START FUNDING 532,730 LOCAL PRIVATE IN-KIND EARLY HEAD START FUNDING 200,654 EXXON GRANT 1,000 TOTAL REVENUES 3,389,608 EXPENDITURES: ADMINISTRATION: PERSONNEL 147,562 EMPLOYEE BENEFITS 37,593 GENERAL OPERATING EXPENSES 86,934 TRAINING AND TECHNICAL ASSISTANCE 15,241 IN-KIND ADMINISTRATIVE EXPENSES 2,368 SUB TOTAL 289,698 CHILDREN SERVICES: PERSONNEL 1,011,371 EMPLOYEE BENEFITS 248,955 GENERAL OPERATING EXPENSES 227,515 TRAINING AND TECHNICAL ASSISTANCE 21,882 IN-KIND EDUCATION EXPENSES 308,391 SUB TOTAL 1,818,114 TRANSPORTATION SERVICES: PERSONNEL 211,102 EMPLOYEE BENEFITS 54,077 GENERAL OPERATING EXPENSES 206,598 TRAINING AND TECHNICAL ASSISTANCE 0 IN-KIND TRANSPORTATION EXPENSES 48,216 SUB TOTAL 519,993 OCCUPANCY EXPENSES: PERSONNEL 70,367 EMPLOYEE BENEFITS 18,025 GENERAL OPERATING EXPENSES 299,001 TRAINING AND TECHNICAL ASSISTANCE 0 IN-KIND OCCUPANCY EXPENSES 374,410 SUB TOTAL 761,803 TOTAL EXPENDITURES 3,389,608 EXCESS REVENUES OVER EXPENDITURES 0 FAYETTE COUNTY CHILD DEVELOPMENT, INC. FINANCIAL DISCLOSURE BUDGET FY ENDED: July 31, 2016 Description: Amount REVENUES: FEDERAL HEAD START PROGRAM FUNDING 1,712,002 FEDERAL TRAINING AND TECHNICAL ASSISTANCE 26,208 TOTAL HEAD START FUNDING 1,738,210 FEDERAL EARLY HEAD START FUNDING 442,291 FEDERAL EARLY HEAD START TRAINING AND TECHNICAL ASSISTANCE 10,915 TOTAL EARLY HEAD START FUNDING 453,206 NUTRITION PROGRAMS FUNDING 170,015 FAYETTE COUNTY BOARD OF EDUCATION HEAD START FUNDING 294,100 COMMUNICATIONS REBATES 21,425 LOCAL PRIVATE HEAD START IN-KIND FUNDING 407,607 LOCAL PRIVATE EARLY HEAD START IN-KIND FUNDING 106,289 TOTAL REVENUES 3,190,852 EXPENDITURES: ADMINISTRATION: PERSONNEL 147,600 EMPLOYEE BENEFITS 37,600 GENERAL OPERATING EXPENSES 86,950 TRAINING AND TECHNICAL ASSISTANCE 15,250 IN-KIND ADMINISTRATIVE EXPENSES 2,375 SUB TOTAL 289,775 CHILDREN SERVICES: PERSONNEL 1,011,375 EMPLOYEE BENEFITS 248,955 GENERAL OPERATING EXPENSES 298,167 TRAINING AND TECHNICAL ASSISTANCE 21,873 IN-KIND CHILDREN EXPENSES 88,846 SUB TOTAL 1,669,216 TRANSPORTATION SERVICES: PERSONNEL 211,110 EMPLOYEE BENEFITS 54,080 GENERAL OPERATING EXPENSES 206,600 TRAINING AND TECHNICAL ASSISTANCE 0 IN-KIND TRANSPORTATION EXPENSES 48,250 SUB TOTAL 520,040 OCCUPANCY EXPENSES: PERSONNEL 70,370 EMPLOYEE BENEFITS 18,025 GENERAL OPERATING EXPENSES 249,001 TRAINING AND TECHNICAL ASSISTANCE 0 IN-KIND OCCUPANCY EXPENSES 374,425 SUB TOTAL 711,821 TOTAL EXPENDITURES 3,190,852 EXCESS REVENUES OVER EXPENDITURES 0 9-21-MON-1-RH; LG 3442
