

The Annual Meeting of the IdaMay Improvement Association has been called for and will be held on Saturday, April 18th, 2020 at 9:00 am at the IdaMay Community Building.
All property owners and residents of the Association are encouraged to attend.
Proposed Meeting Agenda
1. Roll Call.
2. Proof of notice of meeting or of waiver thereof.
3. Establishment of a quorum.
4. Reading of the minutes of preceding meeting and action thereon.
5. Reports of the Directors and/or Officers.
6. Reports of Committees.
7. Election of Directors.
8. New Business
Vote allowing for the installation of a drop box at the community building to be utilized for Association fee payment. A community interest of 50% is required to move forward with the project.
Vote authorizing the Board of Directors to receive quotes for storm drain and manhole repair and/or replacement on Pine Street.
Vote authorizing the complete pavement of Pine Street following the completion of the subsequent storm drain and manhole project.
Vote authorizing the Board of Directors to make decisions with regard to the repair, replacement and/or installation of storm drains throughout the town in order to reroute surface water and runoff away from streets and residences.
Improvements to our Community can be made only with your input and support. All members of the IdaMay Improvement Association are encouraged to attend. If you cannot attend, please complete the proxy prior to April 5th and return via United States Postal Service to: To the Attention of Secretary Tomana
c/o IdaMay Improvement Association P.O. Box 306, Idamay, WV 26576-0306
Christopher Tomana
IdaMay Improvement Association
Times: April 4, 11, 2020