
Island Park Bids

Notice to Bid:
The City of Ronceverte is accepting bids for improvements at the Ronceverte Island Park Amphitheater. Project to include the following;
1. Amphitheater structure: Installation of 29 gauge metal roofing including drip edge and ridge cap. Roofing to be installed per manufacturers recommendations. Repair and paint fascia and all exterior painted surfaces. Prime and paint the ceiling.
2. Restroom construction: Project will include the demolition of the existing restroom on the east side of the amphitheater. Construct new ADA compliant restroom to duplicate the newly constructed restroom to the west side of the amphitheater. Construction will include all plumbing, electrical and fixtures to match existing restroom. Project includes attachment of all utilities.
3. Stone veneer installation: Project will include installation of stone veneer to item #2 and existing amphitheater restroom. Stone may be natural or man-made to replicate existing stonework.
4. Repairs to amphitheater wall: Project will include resetting of loose stones, filling of cracks and incorporate restrooms seamlessly with amphitheater wall.
All materials will meet or exceed quality and aesthetically match existing restroom. All colors and finishes will be on approval of the City of Ronceverte.
This project is NON prevailing wage. All bids must be received by Ronceverte City Hall, 200 West Main Street, Ronceverte, WV 24970 by close of business May 15, 2015. The City reserves the right to accept or reject any and all bids submitted. EOE
