I have before me the accounts of the Executor or Administrator of the estate of the following deceased persons.
Norene Virginia Casto Ocie M. Bonner
Millicent E. Yates Charles Joseph Girard
James Michael Mouser William Junior Byrd
Charles Marion Strawder Itis G. Nelson
Rheatha Weese Patricia A. Baker
Virginia Salisbury Kenneth E. Pingley
Marie L. Crickard Erma M. Rexrode
David B. Lanham Eunice Willa Jenkins
Shirley Ann Bradley Geraldine M. Barkley
Laura K. Crawford
Any such person or persons having a claim against the above estate may appear before the Clerk of said Commission at any time within ninety days after first publication of this notice or object to the confirmation of said accounting before approved by the Commission
Attest: Brenda Wiseman, Clerk
4/10, 4/17