

APRIL 12, 19


The City of Westover is accepting bids for 18 gallon blue bins for recycling collection activities. Bins must be durable and rated for outdoor use. Bid should be based on price per bin. Bids must be sealed and include the cost of delivery to Westover WV along with all applicable fees. The City can provide proof of tax exemption upon request.

The City of Westover reserves the right to reject any and all bids. Deadline for bid submissions is 4:30 PM on April 29th, 2024. Bids must be sealed and mailed to City of Westover, 500 Dupont Rd, Westover WV 26501, or dropped off physically at the same address.

Please contact Jason Stinespring at 304-376-1027 or by e-mail at [email protected] for any questions.
Please contact DEP_REAP at 1-800-322-5530 to report your bid submission.