To the Creditors, Beneficiaries and Distributees of the within named deceased persons and wards: We have before us the Proposed Final, Interim and Annual Settlements of the Estates of the following persons, which shall be presented at the Commission meeting of Marion County, at the J. Harper Meredith Building, 4th Floor, in the City of Fairmont, on the 13th day of November, 2024, at 10:00 o’clock, a.m. which settlements have been presented to me by the fiduciary of such estates and which proposed, Interim and annual settlements I have approved as indicated below:
1.Estate: Thelma L. Collins Fiduciary: Gregory G. Garrison as Executor
2.Estate: Crayton Riley Elza Fiduciary: Andrea Elza as Administratrix
3.Estate: John Wencel Kanios Fiduciary: Melanie A. Taylor as Administratrix
4.Estate: James A Pickens Fiduciary: Rebecca J Phillips as Executrix
5.Estate: Patricia J. Rogers Fiduciary: Deborah A. Rife as Executrix
6.Estate: Geraldine Wyer Fiduciary: Denise L. Myers as Executrix
The County Commission will hear objections and exceptions to these settlements at their regularly scheduled meeting on Wednesday, November 13, 2024, at the courthouse. Any persons having an interest in the estate of any such person, may appear before the County Commission at the time and place hereinabove specified and thereupon protect their interest as they may appear or else may forever thereafter be barred from asserting such interest.
Given under my hand this Wednesday, November 1, 2024
PUBLISH: November 1, 2024
Cynthia A. Danley, Fiduciary Supervisor Marion County, West Virginia
ID: 829683