
Legal Notice


Property Address: 259 Wallingford Road Princeton, WV 24739

Property Description: Pt Lots 86 to 91 Oakvale Road County Court Split (Tax Maps 18, Parcels 0080.0000), East River District, Mercer County, West Virginia

Upon notification by First Community Bank, the holder of a Note secured by a Deed of Trust dated June 22, 2015, executed by Lisa G. Fenton and William H. Fenton, unto Gary R. Mills, as Trustee, recorded in the Office of the Clerk of the County Commission of Mercer County, West Virginia in Trust Deed Book 1298, at Page 68, of a default, and having been requested to institute these proceedings, and by virtue of the authority vested in us by a Substitution of Trustees, dated September 22, 2020, recorded in said Clerk’s Office in Resignation and Substitution of Trustee Book 1399, at Page 585, by which we were substituted as trustees for the said Douglas Hayes, we will

ON THE 29TH DAY OF DECEMBER, 2020, AT 10:00 O’CLOCK A.M., at the front door of the Mercer County Courthouse at Princeton, West Virginia, offer for sale at public auction to the highest bidder, the following property, to-wit:

“all of the following lots or parcels of land situate and being in the W. H. Wallingford Subdivision, on the Princeton-Oakvale Highway, U. S. Route No. 219, in East River District, Mercer County, West Virginia, and known as Lots Nos. 86, 87, 88, 89, 90 and 91 of said subdivision , as shown by a Map thereof, of record in the Office of the Clerk of the County Clerk of Mercer County, West Virginia, in Map Book No. 2, at Page 306, said Lots being further described by metes and bounds as follows:

BEGINNING at the intersection of the Southerly side of the rock road as shown on said map, and on the Easterly side of a 25 feet wide street; thence with the Southerly side of said rock road, 90 feet; 43 feet; 65.1 feet; 43.5 feet and 69.4 feet to the point where said road intersects with the Johnson land; thence S. 13 degrees 57′ E. 156 feet to a point in the Northeasterly line of Lot No. 85, and with the Northerly line of said Lot No. 85, a distance of 234.5 feet to the Easterly line of said first mentioned 25 feet wide street; thence with the same to said rock road, to the point of BEGINNING.”

AND BEING the same property conveyed unto William H. Fenton and Lisa Fenton by deed of John R. Fenton, Kay Fenton, Michael S. Fenton and Young S. Fenton dated May 18 1988, recorded in the Office of the Clerk of the County Commission of Mercer County, West Virginia in Deed Book 678, at Page 5.

The terms of the sale shall be cash in hand on the day of sale (or such other arrangement as may be satisfactory to said Substitute Trustees and holder of the Note), and said property is being sold in ”as is” condition. Said sale is subject to all taxes now due or to become due on said property, all liens, including but not limited to, sewer liens and restrictions, easements or other matters of record in said Clerk’s Office, affecting the title to said property. The purchaser is to pay the excise tax on the privilege of transferring said real estate.

In the event there are federal tax liens against the property, the United States would have the right to redeem the property within a period of 120 days from the date of such sale, or the period allowable for redemption under local law, whichever is longer.

Notice is also given that any personal property and/or belongings remaining at the property after the foreclosure sale will be deemed to constitute ABANDONED PROPERTY AND WILL BE DISPOSED OF ACCORDINGLY.

Dated this the 25th day of November, 2020.



ID: 451937