

010060086 March 26, April 2
PACE Enterprises has a purchase requirement for an undetermined quantity of Secure Document Collection Containers.
Quotes are sought for three classes of Secure Document Collection Containers:

Console: Front opening, utilizing key #924. 36 inches tall. Capacity of 32 to 36 gallons. Bag collection with option of removable insert. AllSource Duraflex or equivalent.

Medium Cart: Two wheels. Accepts padlock. Top loading. Capacity of 64-65 gallons or minimum 200 pounds. AllSource Mastercart 65 or equivalent.

Large Cart: Two wheels. Accepts padlock. Top loading. Capacity of 95-96 gallons or minimum 300 pounds. AllSource Mastercart 95 or equivalent.

PACE Enterprises intends to place an order for multiples of each size. Total purchase will be approximately $10,000. Please quote your per-unit price.

_________Medium Cart
_________Large Cart

This is an informal quotation that will not be read at public opening. The information may be publicly reviewed after award. The quotation shall be the best net price. Specify whether or not delivery charges are in your quote. PACE Enterprises reserves the right to reject any or all quotes, and to waive minor informalities.

For technical information related to the submittal, call Jim Stoen at 304-983-7223.

Price proposals should be submitted to Bob Pirner, 889 Mylan Park Lane, Morgantown WV 26501 or via email at [email protected]. Deadline is 4:00 pm, April 22, 2015.
