IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF MERCER COUNTY, WEST VIRGINIA IN RE: PETITION OF DONICA M. EARLY, PERSONAL REPRESENTATIVE ADMINISTRATRIX OF THE ESTATE OF DONALD RAY ADAMS, DECEASED ORDER OF PUBLICATION Pursuant to West Va. Code ? 55-7-6, notice is given to all relatives of Donald Adams, all other interested parties and those dependent upon him at death, or otherwise entitled to damages from his death. This matter will be heard by Judge William J. Sadler, July 16th, 2015, at 1:00 pm at Mercer County Courthouse at which time damages shall be apportioned. The relief sought in the petition will be brought on for hearing. A copy of the petition may be obtained from the undersigned Clerk. Entered this 1st day of June, 2015. Julie Ball By: Crystal Worley Deputy Clerk