NOTICE OF INTENT TO DEMOLISH OWNER: Miraj Rashid 903 East 1st Street, Unit 8 Long Beach, CA 90802 Notice is given hereby that the single-family dwelling located on certain real property described herein, having been condemned by the Code Enforcement Department for the City of Princeton, has been scheduled for demolition due to the owner’s failure to comply with the Condemnation Order concerning the said residential structure located at 226 High Street in the City of Princeton, West Virginia (City Tax Map 9, Parcel 150). Further, the City of Princeton is in the process of making plans to demolish this structure as soon as possible. Notice is provided hereby to inform any party having a legally established interest in said property of the City of Princeton’s intention to remove said structure by demolition. Please direct any questions relative to this legal notice to the Code Enforcement Director by calling (304) 487-5022. Dated this the 13th day of July, 2015 Kenneth E. Clay, City Clerk