

IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF LEWIS COUNTY, WEST VIRGINIA IN THE MATTER OF THE ADOPTION OF J. D. B., A MINOR MALE CHILD CIVIL ACTION NO. 15-A-8 ORDER OF PUBLICATION The object of the above- styled actions to obtain a court order allowing for the Petitioners to adopt the natural child of Kayla Lanette Peck, his current Spouse, and Matthew Don Blackwell, the biological father of said child. Said infant child, J. D. B., a male child, having been born on the 7th day December, 2007, in Tazewell, Virginia, and it appearing by record of the Court that the biological Father of the child, Matthew Don Blackwell, was not served, it is hereby ordered that if the Father is notified of the action through publication, he shall serve upon Shannon R. Thomas, Esquire, Petitioners Attorney, whose address of P.O. Box 489, 456 Center Avenue, Weston, West Virginia, 26452, a pleading objecting to the requested relief and appearing at the hearing to be held on said adoption petition the 7th day of AUG, 2015, at 1:45 o’clock p.m., in the Courtroom of the Circuit Court of Lewis County, West Virginia, located in Weston, West Virginia. A copy of said Petition can be obtained from the undersigned Clerk of the Circuit Court of Lewis County, West Virginia, at her office. Entered by the Clerk of said Court: JUNE 8, 2015. JOHN B. HINZMAN CLERK OF COURT Derma D. Saeler Chief Deputy
