

NOTICE OF INTENT TO DEMOLISH OWNERS: Richard L. & Randolph L. Colvard 1709 Beckley Road Princeton, WV 24740 Notice is given hereby that the single-story commercial structures located on certain real property described herein, having been condemned and declared unsafe by the Code Enforcement Department for the City of Princeton, have been scheduled for demolition due to the owners’ failure to comply with the condemnation order concerning the said commercial structures located at 540 Mercer Street, being described as stand alone old Blue Flash garage; 542 Mercer Street , being described as a single-story commercial building with garage areas adjacent to alley; and 602 Mercer Street, being described as single-story commercial building with store front, in the City of Princeton, West Virginia (City Tax Map 10, Parcels 371.2 & 373). Further, the City of Princeton is in the process of making plans to demolish these structures as soon as possible. Notice is provided hereby to inform any party having a legally established interest in said property of the City of Princeton’s intention to remove said structures by demolition. Please direct any questions relative to this legal notice to the Code Enforcement Director by calling (304) 487-5022. Dated this the 5th day of December, 2014 Kenneth E. Clay, City Clerk
