010071490 August 21, 28
Notice is hereby given that I, Al Kisner, Sheriff of Monongalia County or an authorized agent of the Monongalia County Sheriff’s Department will sale at public auction on the 1st Day of September, 2015, at 1:00 P.M. The following items located at:
2203 Morgantown Industrial Park
Morgantown, WV26505.
2013 GMC VAN
PA REG #ZCH-3041
PA VIN #1GTW7GCAD1117831
WV REG # B235-680
WV VIN #1GBJG31UX71206843
John R.L. Gatto VS. Stout Excavating dba Roto-Rooter
Terms of Sale Cash
Witness this 11th day of August, 2015
Al Kisner
Sheriff of Monongalia County
Morgantown, WV 26505