REVENUE AND EXPENDITURES MERCER COUNTY FIRE SERVICE BOARD 2014-15 Beginning Fund Balance $ 64,762.07 Revenues: Fire Service Fees 355,847.10 Additional Fees 26,100.47 Misc. Receipts 30.00 Returned Check Recovery 104.00 Interest: Money Market 135.43 Savings 3.78 Total Interest 139.21 TOTAL REVENUES $446,982.85 Expenditures: Audits 7,838.00 Capital Outlay 2,157.00 Contingency 20.00 Contracted Services: Ghent Vol. Fire Dept. 3,500.00 Salaries 70,525.78 Dominion Systems, LLC 3,300.00 Bluefield Supply 15.96 Total Contracted Services 77,341.74 Office Supplies & Expenses 11,235.54 Payments to Fire Depts: Athens VFD 29,900.00 Bluestone Valley VFD 25,500.00 Bluewell VFD 32,100.00 Bramwell VFD 29,900.00 East River VFD 54,100.00 Green Valley VFD 35,400.00 Matoaka VFD 28,800.00 Montcalm VFD 27,700.00 Oakvale VFD 26,600.00 Total Payments to Fire Depts. 290,000.00 Misc. Expenses 121.32 Refunds 430.00 Returned Checks 196.00 TOTAL EXPENDITURES $389,339.60 ENDING FUND BALANCE 57,643.25 STATE OF WEST VIRGINIA, COUNTY OF MERCER, TO WIT: I, STEVEN SOMMERS, Secretary/Treasurer of the Mercer County Fire Service Board, do hereby certify that the foregoing is a true and correct statement of the financial condition of the Mercer County Fire Service Board as shown by the records in said office. Given under my hand this the 13th day of August 2015. Steven Sommers Secretary/Treasurer MERCER COUNTY FIRE SERVICE BOARD Subscribed and sworn to before me in my said County, this the 13th day of August 2015. My commission expires Jan. 26, 2019. A. D. Buckner NOTARY PUBLIC