010072521 September 4, 11
Items for Bid
The Board of Park and Recreation Commissioners hereby provides notice to interested parties that the following items are available for bid. The successful bidder(s) will be responsible for the pick-up, loading and transportation of item(s) awarded. Bids must be sealed and received at the BOPARC Administrative Office no later than 12:00PM on Wednesday, September 30, 2015. Bids can be mailed to BOPARC, PO Box 590, Morgantown, WV 26507 and clearly marked EQUIPMENT BID. Inspection of item(s) will be available on September 17th or September 24th from 9:00AM until 3:00PM. Interested parties should call 304-296-8356 to request an inspection of item(s). BOPARC reserves the right to reject any and all Bids in whole or in part, as their interest may require; and to waive any informality in bids received. Additionally, BOPARC reserves the right to accept or reject a Bid not accompanied by the required Bidding Documents; to accept or reject any condition of the Bid by a Bidder that is in any way inconsistent with the terms and conditions of the Bidding Documents; or to accept or reject a Bid that is in any way incomplete or irregular.
$10 Minimum Bid (for each unless otherwise noted):
• Red Cots (3)
• Desk Style Tables (2)
• Weights for Weight Bench (min bid is for ALL)
$20 Minimum Bid (for each unless otherwise noted):
• Doors (various types, sizes, wood and metal)
• Sno-Cone Machine
• Free Standing Chalkboard & Mirror
• Desk
• Table
• Boat Seat
• Mini Refrigerator
• Shaved Ice Machine
• Nacho Warmer
• L.P. Tanks (2)
$50 Minimum Bid (for each unless otherwise noted):
• 1 Pallet of Floor Leveler
• Foosball Table
• 50 Gallon Hot Water Tank
• Electric Motors from Ice Arena Equipment (2)
• Dry Goods Vending Machine
• Table Saw
• Ice Cream Cooler
• Arcade Style Video Game
• Gas Heater
$100 Minimum Bid (for each unless otherwise noted):
• 2 LARGE Pallets of plastic snap-together Flooring
• 1 LARGE window A/C Unit
• 3 Canopies (30×50 or bigger)
• 1 Used DR Mower – Walk Behind
$200 Minimum Bid (for each unless otherwise noted):
• Sprayer – self-contained on Trailer
• Air Compressor – for 3 phase power w/ air dryer
• DR Walk-Behind Mower w/ Brush Hog, String Trimmer & Finish
Attachments – minimum bid $2200
• John Deere 750 Tractor – minimum bid $3000
• John Deere Quick Cut Stand-On Mower – minimum bid $2500