

INVITATION TO BID EQUIPMENT AND OPERATORS Tazewell County, Virginia is accepting bids from interested firms to furnish the following equipment together with operators, labor and supervision necessary to perform various projects throughout Tazewell County on an as needed basis. The bid price shall include the hourly rate for each piece of equipment (including fuel) as well as its operator, mobilization to and from the site, and supervision. The following equipment and labor is to be included in all bids. * Dump truck Single Axle with operator * Dump truck, tandem, with operator * Excavator, Track Backhoe w/o breaker, 95hp 35,000 Ibs. min. 24″ to 36″ bucket w/ operator * Excavator track backhoe w/ hydraulic breaker 35,000 lbs min., excavator hammer w/ breaker 3,000 lbs min. Hitachi 160 or equal w/ exp. Operator. * 4-wheel pickup truck w/ operator * Chain saw, 16″ min up to 20″ blade w/ operator * Foreman * Skilled laborer * Unskilled laborer * 4 wheel rubber tired backhoe 15,000 lbs with 16′ digging capability * Vibratory Roller, 15,000lbs w/ operator * Rubber tired boom truck; 40ft. reach capacity, min. and 10 ton lift capacity, min w/ operator * Tractor mower, flail mower, and right hand cycle bar w/ operator John Deere 4500 or equal * Long Reach Excavator – Min 44,000lbs operating weight, 50′ reach boom * Grader with operator – Min 28,000lbs operating weight, 12′ blade The terms of this contract shall be three (3) months starting on October 7, 2016 and ending December 31, 2015. Bids should be submitted in a sealed envelope clearly marked “As Needed Equipment- 2015” and addressed to Matthew Anderson, P.E., County Engineer at 108 East Main street, Tazewell, Virginia 24651 and should be received no latter that 2:00 pm on September 30, 2015. Questions concerning the bid will be responded to by calling 276-385-1217. The Tazewell County Board of Supervisors reserves the right to waive any informalities, to reject any and all bids if it appears in Tazewell County’s best interest to do so, and accept only that bid deemed to be in the best interest of Tazewell County, Virginia. Per order of the Tazewell County Board of Supervisors By: Patricia Green, Interim County Administrator
