010077936 November 12
Sibel K. Latif
To Case Number: 15-P-351
Cybal K. Latif by her father Ismail S. Latif
Please take notice that on the 8th day of January, 2016, at 11:00 a.m., in Monongalia County, West Virginia before Judge Clawges, Ismail S. Latif will apply to said Circuit Court for permission to legally change the above-named minor’s name as such.
Any person having any objection(s) to said change of name shall appear at the time, place and date aforesaid and make his/her objection(s) known. Please note that the hearing may be rescheduled without further notice or publication pursuant to W.Va. Code ยง48-25-101(c).
Ismail S. Latif