

010078008 November 12, 13
Legal Notice
Notice of Request for Proposal (RFP)
WorkForce West Virginia, a division of the Department of Commerce, announces the availability of U.S. Department of Labor National Dislocated Worker Grant Funds for the statewide Job Driven (JD) National Dislocated Worker Grant (NDWG) On-the-Job Training (OJT) Program.

Complete details are available online at under the Public Notices Tab, entitled NDWG Funding. A public meeting to discuss the Request for Proposal (RFP) process will be held November 30, 2015 from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. at WorkForce West Virginia Career Center 1321 Plaza East Charleston, WV. If inclement weather were to occur on the fore-mentioned date, the public meeting will be held on December 2, 2015 at the same location. Attendance is required at this bidder’s conference in order to submit a proposal. If for any reason you cannot attend in person, you may send a local representative who cannot be representing any other agency, on your behalf.

Any questions may be referred to Amber Jackson, Employment Service Division, at (304) 558-8414 or [email protected]v . Martha Craig-Hinchman, Assistant Director, Employment Service Division, at (304) 558-8414 or
[email protected].

Please contact Amber Jackson at (304) 558-8414 [email protected], or Sarah Bias at (304) 558-8414 [email protected] to register for the Bidder’s Conference.



ADVERTISEMENT FOR PROPOSALS Buchanan County Public Service Authority P.O. Box 30 Vansant, Virginia 24656 Sealed proposals will be received by Mr. Greg McClanahan, Executive Director, at the Buchanan County Public Service Authority (BCPSA) Office, 1023 Old Benns Branch Road, Oakwood, Virginia 24631, until 2:00 P.M., local prevailing time, on December 2, 2015 for the Big Rock-Conaway WWTP Secondary Treatment Process Equipment which consists of the purchase of secondary treatment process equipment (i.e., Moving Bed Biological Reactor and Enhanced/Ballasted Settling). Copies of the REQUEST FOR PROPOSALS may be obtained from at the BCPSA Office, 1023 Old Benns Branch Road, Oakwood, Virginia 24631; or at Thompson & Litton, 103 East Main Street, Wise, VA 24293; by writing P.O. Box 1307, Wise, VA 24293-1307; or by calling (276) 328-2161. A Pre-Proposal Conference will be held on November 18, 2015 at 1:00 P.M. at the BCPSA Office located at 1023 Old Benns Branch Road, Oakwood, Virginia 24631. No more than two (2) representatives from each firm will be allowed to attend the Pre-Proposal Conference. Withdrawal of BIDS shall be according to procedure (i) of Section 11-54 of the Code of Virginia (1950), as amended, and to the Virginia Public Procurement Act (? 2.2-4330). Any BIDDER must give notice in writing of its claim of right to withdraw its BID within two business days after the conclusion of the Bid Opening Procedure. No BID may be withdrawn unless said withdrawal is permitted by law. MBE/WBE firms are encouraged to submit bids. All suppliers are hereby advised that a portion of this project is funded from the Virginia Clean Water Revolving Loan Fund (VCWRLF). Bidders must comply with the President’s Executive Order #11246 prohibiting discrimination in employment regarding race, color, creed, sex, or national origin and Executive Orders #12138 and #11625 regarding utilization of MBE/WBE firms; and the Civil Rights Act of 1964. Bidders must certify that they do not or will not maintain or provide for their employees any facilities that are segregated on the basis of race, color, creed, or national origin. Bidders must also comply with the Civil Rights Act of 1964 and other requirements described in the Request for Proposals. The OWNER reserves the right to reject any and all Bids if it appears in its best interest to do so. November 12, 2015 Date Buchanan County Public Service Authority By: Greg McClanahan, Executive Director
