010078379 November 19, 26
Take notice that on the 9th day of December, 2015, at 10:00 a.m., at the front entrance of the Monongalia County Courthouse, Morgantown, West Virginia, the undersigned Substitute Trustee will sell at public auction to the highest bidder the real estate hereinafter described pursuant to that certain deed of trust dated December 29, 2003, executed by Willa J. Powell and Vanessa K. Poling to Jeffrey S. Compton, Trustee, of record in the Office of the Clerk of the County Commission of Monongalia County, West Virginia, in Trust Deed Book No. 792, at page 936, default having been made therein, that certain lot or parcel of real estate situate in Battelle District, Monongalia County, West Virginia, described as follows:
Beginning at a point standing in Dunkard Creek, and being a common corner to Eric W. Moore and the lands of Everett Eugene Tanner, the point of beginning; thence leaving Dunkard Creek with the line of Moore and Tanner, N. 49° 51′ 00" E. 230.03 feet (passing through a 28" Maple tree found on line at a distance of 93.02 feet) to a 5/8 inch iron pin (set), being a common corner to Moore and the lands of Tanner, standing in a line of Pennsylvania Lines, LLC.; thence with the line of Moore and Pennsylvania Lines, LLC, S. 45° 46′ 28" E. 147.67 feet to a 5/8 inch iron pin (set) standing in a line of Pennsylvania Lines, LLC being a common corner to Moore and another parcel of Eric W. Moore, thence with a line of Moore, S. 50° 26′ 03" W. 276.51 feet (passing through a 5/8 inch iron pin set on line at 225.72 feet) to a point, standing in Dunkard Creek; thence with Dunkard Creek, N. 27° 45′ 00" W. 147.58 feet to the place of beginning, containing 0.847 acres, as shown on a plat prepared December 8, 2003, by Blue Mountain Engineering.
The above real estate was conveyed to Willa J. Powell and Vanessa K. Powell by Eric W. Moore and Sharon L. Moore, his wife, by deed dated September 1, 2003, of record in said Clerk’s office in Deed Book No. 1266, at page 413, and is subject to the exceptions, reservations, rights of way, and conditions, of record, affecting said real estate.
The above described real estate has address of 1019 SHAMROCK RUN, BLACKSVILLE, WEST VIRGINIA, 26521.
The property will be conveyed in an "as is" physical condition, without warranty as to habitability or fitness.
The trustee reserves the right to continue the sale of the subject property from time to time by written or oral proclamation, which continuance shall be in the sole discretion of the trustee.
By written substitution of trustee dated October 20, 2015, of record in said Clerk’s Office, J. Scott Tharp was substituted as Substitute Trustee under the provisions of said deed of trust.
The total purchase price is payable to the trustee by cashier’s check, cash, or the equivalent within 20 days of the date of sale, with 10{4ceb532c6f579389df471c6c1e832caf2346b74dc60fcbf6aabd4d29df3baf9c} of the total purchase price payable to the trustee at sale by cashier’s check, cash, or the equivalent.
Dated November 11, 2015.
J. Scott Tharp, Substitute Trustee