010080072 December 11
CASE NO. 15-1900-E-CN
Application for a certificate of convenience and necessity to
construct and install transmission facilities in Charleston, West
On November 25,2015, AEP West Virginia Transmission Company, Inc. (WV Transco) filed a duly verified application for a certificate of convenience and necessity to construct and install transmission facilities in Charleston, West Virginia.
The application is on file with and available for public inspection at the Public Service Commission, 201 Brooks Street, in Charleston, West Virginia.
WV Transco estimates that construction will cost approximately $64 million. The construction will be financed through the use of the AEP Money Pool, as approved by the Commission in Case No. 10-0577-E-PC; and, the financing vehicles as approved by the Commission in its July 2,2013 Order in Case No. 13-0629-E-PC and its July 1,20 15 Order in Case no. 15-0647-E-PC.
WV Transco has no retail utility customers in West Virginia, and therefore, there will be no direct impacts in the form of WV Transco rates charged to retail customers. WV Transco provides wholesale transmission services throughout the region and its costs are passed on to electric utilities through its FERC approved transmission tariff. To the extent that a portion of WV Transco costs are paid by West Virginia electric utilities, there will be some impact on retail rates in West Virginia.
WV Transco estimates that the impact on a West Virginia residential retail customer’s monthly bill as a result of this project, assuming 1000 kWH per month usage, is an increase of approximately $0.0695.
Anyone desiring to protest or intervene in this Certificate filing should file a written protest or request to intervene within thirty (30) days following the date of this publication unless otherwise modified by Commission order. Failure to timely protest or request to intervene can affect your right to protest aspects of this certificate case or to participate in future proceedings. All protests or requests to intervene should briefly state the reason for the protest or request to intervene. Requests to intervene must comply with the rules on intervention set forth in the Commission’s Rules of Practice and Procedure. All protests and requests to intervene should be addressed to Ingrid Ferrell, Executive Secretary, P. O. Box 812, Charleston, West Virginia 25323.
In the absence of substantial protest received within thirty (30) days of this publication, the Commission may waive formal hearing and render its decision based on the evidence submitted with the application and the Commission’s review thereof.