

PUBLIC NOTICE OF BLASTING OPERATIONS Notice is hereby given that Met Resources, LLC P.O. Box 5064 Princeton, WV 24740 Permit No. S400409, situated in Rock District of Mercer County, approximately 1.5 Miles Northwest of Matoaka will be conducting blasting activities in accordance with all State and Federal Laws and as approved by the Department of Environmental Protection. Blasting activites will occur Monday through Saturday from “sunrise to sunset”. No blasting shall be conducted on Sundays or Holidays. Blasting is to commence on November 1, 2016 and continue through November 1, 2017. At least ten (10) minutes prior to each scheduled blast, all accesses to the blasting area will be controlled and safeguarded from unauthorized entry, and a “WARNING SIGNAL” will be audibly indicated by three (3) short blasts of an air whistle or air horn, each lasting five (5) seconds with five (5) second intervals, given three (3) to five (5) minutes before blasting with the “ALL CLEAR SIGNAL” being indicated by one continuous blast of an air whistle or air horn for twenty (20) seconds duration, as approved by the State Regulatory Authority. Blasting shall be conducted in such a way so as to prevent adverse impacts to the Public or environment. Blasting will not be conducted at times other than those announced without appropriate notification, or in the event of an emergency situation where loaded holes will become wet with rain, lightning, other atmospheric conditions or operator or public safety dictated unscheduled detonation.