Notice is hereby given that the following described tracts or lots of land in the County of Randolph have been certified by the Auditor of the State of West Virginia to G. Russell Rollyson, Jr., Deputy Commissioner of Delinquentand Nonentered lands of said County, for sale at public auction. The lands will be offered for sale by the undersigned Deputy Commissioner at public auction in the beginning at 10:30AM in the morning, on the 29th day of July 2015.
Each tract or lot as described below, will be sold to the highest bidder. The payment for any tract or lot purchased at a sale shall be made by check or money order payable to the sheriff of the county and delivered before the close of business on the day of the sale. If any of said tracts or lots remain unsold following the auction, they will be subject to sale by the Deputy Commissioner without additional advertising or public auction. The deputy commissioner sale may include tracts or lots remaining unsold from a previous auction not required by law to be readvertised and described for this subsequent auction of those same tracts and lots. All sales are subject to the approval of the Auditor of the State of West Virginia.
42889 1917 Taylor, Ellen I2.80 AC Map 108-20 Huttonsville
42890 1996 Swint, Ida 7.7 Ac Middle Fork
42891 2012 Ross Mike Inc & Min Less O&G 20.55 AC Beverly
I L Morris Red Oak Estates (Map 110-8)
42892 2012 Shimbo Mary Jo Pt Closed Alley 7.5×100 Leadsville
42893 2012 Polce Elsie Surf 4 AC 1/20 Und Int Flat Bush Roaring Creek
42894 2012 Polce Vespucci Surf 4 AC 1/20 Und Int Flat Bush Roaring Creek
Any of the aforesaid tracts or lots may be redeemed by any person entitled to pay the taxes thereon at any time prior to the sale by payment to the Deputy Commissioner of the total amount of taxes, interest, and charges thereon up to the date of redemption. Lands listed above as escheated or waste and unappropriated lands may not be redeemed.
Given under my hands this15th day of June 2015.
G. Russell Rollyson, Jr.
Deputy Commissioner of Delinquent
and Nonentered Lands for County
7/1, 7/8, 7/15