NOTICE OF CALL FOR BIDS The Fayette County Board of Education, 111 Fayette Avenue, Fayetteville, WV will accept sealed bids until 10:00 a.m. on Monday, September 14, 2015 on the following snow removal items: 2008 Dodge Regular Cab 2500 Poly Boss V Plow 2010 GMC Regular Cab Poly Boss V Plow 2008 GMC Extended Cab Poly Boss V Plow 2008 Dodge Crew Cab 1500 HXT Sport Ploy Plow 1 VBOX Auger Spreader Items are for Fayette County School Maintenance Department for the fiscal year 2015-2016. All bids are to include parts and labor. Installation must be completed within 30 days of bid being awarded. All bids must be sealed and will be competitive. Bids will be opened at 10:00 a.m. on Monday, September 14, 2015. The board reserves the right to reject any and/or all bids presented. All bids should be forwarded to: Fayette County Schools Attention: David Keffer Maintenance Department 111 Fayette Avenue Fayetteville, WV 25840 9-10-THU-2-RH; LG 3363