
Notice of Public Hearing

Notice of Public Hearing

The Board of Zoning Appeals will hold a Public Hearing on September 24, 2015 at 2:00 pm to consider the following requests. Unless otherwise noted, all request are pursuant to the Zoning and Land Development Ordinance. The meeting is located in Charles Town Library Meeting Room at 200 East Washington St. in Charles Town, WV (side entrance on Samuel St.).





ZV15-21 Jeffrey Schneider 277 Country Rd.,

Harpers Ferry, WV

District: 04; Map: 26;
Parcel: 8; Zone: R

Variance request from Sec. 9.6C to allow an accessory structure in the required front yard; and, Sec. 9.7 to reduce the front setback from 25’ to 10’ to construct a 25’ x 28’ garage..
ZV15-22 Loretta Holdaway 294 Red Bird Ln.,

Harpers Ferry, WV

District: 02; Map: 23F;
Parcel: 36; Zone: R

Variance request from Sec. 9.5B to permit a fence taller than 6’ to remain 6” from the property line.

All sites will be posted with a green and white placard. Department of Planning & Zoning files may be reviewed during normal business hours or you may view the Agenda and Packet online at

Written submissions to the Board must be received no later than one week prior to the Meeting, for inclusion in their mailed packet. Contact the Department for additional submission requirements.

Questions or Comments may be directed to: 116 E. Washington St., P.O. Box 338, Charles Town, WV 25414; [email protected]; or call 304-728-3228.

Any party desiring a transcript of these proceedings will be responsible for providing a competent stenographer at their own expense.

By Order of the Jefferson County Board of Zoning Appeals

Tyler Quynn, Chairman
