NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING ON LEASE AUTHORIZING ORDINANCE OF THE COUNTY COMMISSION OF FAYETTE COUNTY A public hearing will be held on the following entitled Ordinance at a regular meeting of the County Commission of Fayette County (the “County Commission”) to be held on Wednesday, May 27, 2015, at 11:30 a.m. at the County Commission Chambers at 100 Court Street, Fayetteville, West Virginia, and at such hearing any person interested may appear before the County Commission and present protests, and all protests and suggestions shall be heard by the County Commission and it shall then take such actions as it shall deem proper in the premises upon an Ordinance entitled: ORDINANCE OF THE COUNTY COMMISSION OF FAYETTE COUNTY AN ORDINANCE AUTHORIZING THE ADVANCE REFUNDING OF THE FAYETTE COUNTY BUILDING COMMISSION LEASE REVENUE BONDS, SERIES 2011 MATURING AFTER OCTOBER 1, 2016 AND THE CONTINUED LEASING OF SUCH FACILITIES BY THE BUILDING COMMISSION TO THE COUNTY COMMISSION; APPROVING THE SALE, ISSUANCE AND DELIVERY OF NOT TO EXCEED $2,500,000 LEASE REFUNDING REVENUE BONDS, SERIES 2015 BY THE FAYETTE COUNTY BUILDING COMMISSION TO PROVIDE FUNDS TO ADVANCE REFUND THE CALLABLE 2011 BONDS; AUTHORIZING THE EXECUTION AND DELIVERY OF A LEASE AGREEMENT, AND OTHER INSTRUMENTS AND AUTHORIZING AND APPROVING OTHER DOCUMENTS AND MATTERS RELATING TO THE TERMS AND SECURITY OF SUCH BONDS; AND PROVIDING FOR CERTAIN OTHER MATTERS IN CONNECTION THEREWITH. The above quoted title of the Ordinance describes generally the contents thereof and the purposes of the Bonds contemplated thereby. The County Commission contemplates the issuance of the Bonds described in the Ordinance. The proceeds of the Bonds will be used to (i) advance refund the Callable 2011 Bonds, and (ii) pay costs of issuance of the Series 2015 Bonds and related costs. The Bonds are payable from the revenues derived from the Lease Rentals. No taxes may at any time be levied for the payment of the Bonds or the interest thereon. The above-entitled Ordinance was adopted by the County Commission of Fayette County on April 14, 2015. A certified copy of the above entitled Ordinance is on file with the County Commission for review by interested parties during regular office hours. Following the public hearing, the County Commission intends to enact the Ordinance upon final reading. Denise A. Scalph President 5-20-WED-2-MH; LG 506