July 30, 2015
The City of Lewisburg Board of Zoning Appeals will hold a working session on Thursday, July 30, 2015, at 4:30 and a public hearing at 5:00 PM on the following issues.
The meeting will be held in the Paul R. Cooley Council Chamber located in the Lewisburg City Hall, 942 West Washington Street.
1. Call to order
2. Lewisburg Diamond & Gold, 531 North Jefferson Street, Sign Variance
3. Lewisburg Cinema 8, LLC, 257 Grand Avenue, Sign Variance
4. Approval of minutes: June 25, 2015
5. Communication from members:
*Next meeting August 27, 2015, with a deadline of July 17, 2015.
6. Adjournment
Both oral and written comments will be accepted.
For more information contact the Planning & Zoning Department, City of Lewisburg
Chuck Smith, Zoning Officer
(304) 645-3776, Ext. 117