

RALEIGH COUNTY COMMISSION NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING Notice is hereby given that on the 4th day of August, 2015, in the County Commission Courtroom, 116 1/2 North Heber Street, Beckley, West Virginia at 10:00 a.m., the County Commission of Raleigh County, West Virginia, will hold a public hearing upon the petition of Steven W. Worrell, and Lou E. Worrell for the purpose of closing unopened and unimproved 30 foot road way parallel to Grandview Road bordering lots in the Lake Addition near 4-H Dam, Daniels / Crow, WV. Any person wishing to be heard concerning this matter should be present at the time and place indicated above. Written comments concerning this matter received by August 3, 2015 at 3:00 p.m. will be considered. Written comments should be sent to: Raleigh County Commission, 116 1/2 North Heber Street, Beckley, West Virginia 25801. A copy of the petition for public review is on file in the office of the County Commission at the address listed above. 7-20-MON-1-RH L 3209
