ORDINANCE NO. 2015-730-01
The City of Parsons, Tucker County, West Virginia, a municipal corporation, will hold a final vote on a proposed ordinance. An ordinance enacting Article 730 of the Ordinances of the City of Parsons, Tucker County, West Virginia, by adding Sections 730.1, 730.2, 730.3, 730.4, 730.5, 730.6, 730.7, 730.8, and 730.09. Entitled “Fire Service Fee” to provide that the Parsons Volunteer Fire Department shall respond to any fire incident within the City of Parsons, its first due area as designated by the West Virginia State Fire Commission and West Virginia State Fire Marshal providing rates and charges for fire fees for properties located inside the corporate limits of the City of Parsons. These rates and charges are as follows:
Residential Structure $5.00 Per Month
Multi-Family Residential Unit Structure $10.00 Per Month
Non-Residential Unit Structure $10.00 Per Month
Industrial Structure $50.00 Per Month
The final vote on adoption of said ordinance will be held on Tuesday, November 16, 2015 at 6:00 P.M. (EDT) in the Council Chambers, located on the first floor of the Charles W. “Bill” Rosenau Municipal Building, 341 Second Street, Parsons, West Virginia. Interested parties may appear and be heard at such time with respect to said ordinance. Copies of said ordinance are available at the Parsons Business Office, located at 341 Second Street, Parsons, West Virginia, between 8:00 A.M. and 5:00 P.M. (EDT), Monday through Friday, except holidays. The said ordinance may be materially amended at said meeting.
If adopted, said ordinance shall become effective December 15, 2015.
City of Parsons, a municipal corporation,
Dorothy L. Judy, Mayor
11/5, 11/12