

NOTICE OF SUCCESSOR TRUSTEES’ SALE Notice is hereby given, by virtue of the authority vested in the undersigned Successor Trustees, James W. Lane, Jr. and Bradford P. Bury, by that certain Deed of Trust made by Oliver G. Cline and Karalyn M. Cline, bearing date February 17, 2011, and of record in the office of the Clerk of the County Commission of Raleigh County, West Virginia, in Trust Deed Book 5042, page 5338, the said James W. Lane, Jr. and Bradford P. Bury, acting as Successor Trustees bearing date December 10, 2014, and being of record in the aforesaid Clerk’s office in Book 5057, at page 3446, and default having been made in the payment of the Note secured by the aforesaid Deed of Trust, and having been requested in writing by the owner and holder of the Note, will offer for sale, at public auction, to the highest bidder at the front door of the Courthouse of Raleigh County, City of Beckley, West Virginia, on Thursday, the 22nd day of January, 2015, at 10:00 a.m., the following described real property: The surface of Lot No. 89, as shown and designated upon a map entitled Map Showing Lots 89-96 Ridge Park Subdivision Located On The Waters Of Big Whitestick Creek, Town District – Raleigh County – West Virginia Scale: 1″ = 50′ June 14, 1979 Developed By L and H Land Company Prepared By Southern Surveying And Engineering Co., Inc., Beckley, West Virginia Harold R. Snodgress LLS 359.” Which map is of record in the Office of the clerk of the County Commission of Raleigh County West Virginia, in Map File 225-A, to which map reference is herein made for a more particular description of the property herein conveyed. Being the same premises which Beckley National Bank, a National Banking Association, by deed dated 04/17/1989 and recorded in the Recorder’s Office of Raleigh County, West Virginia on 05/23/1989, in Deed Book 745 Page 92, granted and conveyed unto Oliver G. Cline, Single. At the time of the execution of the Deed of Trust, the grantors represented that the address of the Premises was 146 Ridgepark Drive, Beckley West Virginia 25801. TERMS OF SALE: The Premises will be sold “AS IS, WHERE IS,” in its present condition and with all faults and defects, if any. The Premises will be conveyed by deed with no covenants of warranty of title. The Premises shall be sold subject to all liens not discharged by the sale, including, without limitation, liens for real estate taxes, incinerator, sanitary and sewer charges and liens with priority to the Deed of Trust pursuant to which this sale is being conducted. The Premises shall be sold subject to all covenants, restrictions, easements, rights of way and reservations which may be a matter of record in the aforesaid Clerk’s office or visible upon the ground. The Premises will be sold for cash in hand on the date of sale to the highest bidder. The purchasers at the sale shall be responsible for paying the recording costs and also the tax on the privilege of transferring real property (the cost of the tax stamps to be affixed to the deed). The Successor Trustees and City National Bank of West Virginia shall not be responsible for the removal of any person or personal property from the Premises. Pursuant to the Deed of Trust, the Successor Trustees may postpone the sale by public announcement at the time and place designated and act by agent in the execution of the sale. The parties secured by the Deed of Trust reserve the right to purchase the Premises at such sale. Dated: December 18, 2014. James W. Lane, Jr. Bradford P. Bury Successor Trustees 200 Capitol Street P.O. Box 3843 Charleston, WV 25338 (304) 720-9002 12-30-TUE-2-RH; LG 2307
