
Notice to Customers

To maintain necessary clearances for safe and reliable electric service, Appalachian Power plans to manage vegetation along a portion of its 34.5 kilovolt distribution system in Greenbrier County, WV. On or about June 1, 2015, contract crews will begin selectively applying herbicides to brush along our rights of way. Rights of way in the area involved in the program are:
McRoss – Rupert circuit in the Grassey Meadows, Smoot, Dawson area.
Representatives will attempt to personally contact resident property owners at least seven business days prior to working on their property. Specifics regarding your property may be discussed at that time. If you are a nonresident property owner and have questions regarding our right-of-way maintenance, please contact:
Appalachian Power
Greg Kindrick
P.O. Box 949
Beckley, WV 25801-0949
