

IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF FAYETTE COUNTY, WEST VIRGINIA In the matter of: THE PETITION OF GREGG E. DAVIS AND AMANDA J. DAVIS, HIS WIFE, FOR THE ADOPTION OF ELIJAH S. DONNALLY, A MALE CHILDREN UNDER THE AGE OF TWELVE YEARS ADOPTION ACTION NO.: 15-A-20 (Blake) To: Daniel S. Donnally ORDER OF PUBLICATION THE OBJECT OF THE ABOVE TITLED ACTION IS THE ADOPTION OF ELIJAH S. DONNALLY, AN INFANT MALE CHILD, BY GREGG E. DAVIS AND AMANDA J. DAVIS, HIS WIFE It appearing by the Petitioner’s Affidavit for Order of Publication filed in this action that the whereabouts of the above-mentioned individual and biological father of said infant male child is unknown, it is hereby ordered that anyone interested in or having objections to the adoption of Elijah S. Donnally by Gregg E. Davis and Amanda J. Davis serve upon Philip J. Tissue, Petitioner’s attorney, whose address is 303 Jones Avenue, Oak Hill, West Virginia 25901, an Answer, or other defense filed in this action on or before 30 days from the date of the last publication of this Order. A copy of said Petition can be obtained from the undersigned Clerk at his office. Please be advised that your parental rights may be terminated in this proceeding. A hearing will be held before the Honorable Paul M. Blake Jr., Circuit Court Judge of Fayette County, West Virginia, at the Fayette County Courthouse Annex, 100 Church Street, Fayetteville, West Virginia, on August 17, 2015 at 2:00 p.m. Entered by the Clerk of said Court July 7, 2015. Daniel E. Wright Clerk of Court 7-16-THR-2-FT; LG 322
