

ORDER OF PUBLICATION IN THE COUNTY COMMISSION OF FAYETTE COUNTY, WEST VIRGINIA IN RE: 1793 PRUDENCE ROAD MICHAEL IENELLO NOTICE OF FILING OF COMPLAINT The object of this Complaint is to seek an Order requiring property owners, pursuant to the Fayette County Dilapidated and Beautification Ordinance, to complete demolition and removal of all dilapidated buildings or dwellings, listed in the Deed Book 594, Page 452 and on Tax Map 38F, Parcel 92, Taxing District 02 Plateau, as “Lot 107 Harvey Prud LC Troy A Salmon,” otherwise known as 1793 Prudence Road, Fayette County, West Virginia, owned by Michael Ienello. TO: Any claimant of a right or interest in said property. You have the right to request a hearing before the County Commission of Fayette County within ten (10) days of the date of this publication. Any such hearing request must clearly state the identity of the claimant and an address where legal process can be served upon said claimant. If you fail to request a hearing, thereafter an Order, upon proper hearing, may be entered against you for the relief demanded in the Complaint. A copy of said Complaint can be obtained from the undersigned County Clerk at his office. ENTERED by the clerk of said County on the 9th day of December, 2014. Kelvin Holliday County Clerk of Fayette County, West Virginia 12-29-MON-2-RH LG 2300
