




a Delaware Corporation,



CAROLYN LAWHEAD FARR, an individual; JEAN LAWHEAD BLAGG, an individual; CARROLL WHALEY, an individual; CATHERINE ARTMAN, an individual; JERRY LEE SHULTZ, an individual; RONALD EUGEN SCHULTA, an individual; ROBERT WAYNE SCHULTZ, an individual; TERRY SPROUT, an individual; RUBY LUCILLE MCCULLOUGH, an individual; LOUISE SELLERS, an individual; ELMER CLARK WEEKLEY, an individual; KARI LETITIA FIELDS, an individual; JARED CHAD WEEKLEY, an individual; ROBERT NEAL WEEKLEY, an individual; JOEL LYNN WEEKLEY, an individual; MARTHA YOUKILIS, an individual; BARBARA E. BERDINE, an individual; carroll e. cox jr., an individual; ELIZABETH V. KENEN, an individual; TEENA A. RICHARDS, an individual; FRANK MICHAEL DAVIS, an individual; THOMAS L. DAVIS, an individual; LINDA E. ALLEN, an individual; PATRICIA F. WATKINS, an individual; HERBERT RICHARD MEREDITH JR., an individual; and JOSEPH R. TIRALLA, an individual;



1. Plaintiff’s objective in the above-styled action is to require the allotment/partition sale of certain oil and gas pursuant to W. Va. Code § 37-4-1, et seq., in and under a tract measuring 90 acres, more or less, in Clay District, Ritchie County, West Virginia (hereinafter the “Subject Minerals”), in and under Tax Map 6, Parcel 18, and being more particularly described as follows:

Lying and being in Clay District, Ritchie County, West Virginia, on the waters of Bonds Creek, BEGINNING at a white oak in Littleboys line and with the same N 89°W 230 poles to a stone corner to E.T. Satterfield; thence with his line S 12°W 155 poles to a stone corner to Calvin Butcher and with Butcher’s line S 64° E 60 poles to a hickory, a corner to said Butcher and with a line of R. Weekley and H.D. Martin, N 51 1/2° E 255 poles to the place of beginning, containing 140 acres, EXCEPTING AND RESERVING from the above boundary all tracts theretofore sold to J.M. Whaley during his lifetime, leaving 90 acres, more or less, hereby conveyed.

2. Plaintiff seeks to have that portion of the Subject Minerals that it is unable to lease partitioned by allotment or sale.

3. The interests Plaintiff seeks to acquire in this action are those interests owned by Joseph R. Tiralla.

4. A copy of the complaint in this matter can be obtained from the undersigned Clerk at the Office of the Ritchie County Circuit Clerk in Harrisville, Ritchie County, West Virginia.

5. It appearing by affidavit filed in this action that the whereabouts of some or all of the above named Defendants and their unknown heirs, devisees, successors or assigns if any are unknown and/or that such individuals or entities are nonresidents of the State of West Virginia; that there are or may be persons other than those named above who own interests in such oil and gas whose names are unknown to Plaintiffs, and who are made parties to the Complaint filed in this action by the general description of unknown defendants; and the Plaintiffs having made diligent but futile efforts to locate some or all of said Defendants; it is accordingly ORDERED that each of them appear before or serve upon Plaintiff’s attorney James Matthew Davis, whose address is 500 Lee Street East, Suite 1600, Charleston, WV 25301-3202, an answer or other defense to the Complaint filed in this action on or before February 23, 2015, otherwise judgment will be taken by default against them at any time thereafter.

The Clerk is directed to provide a copy of this Order to counsel listed below.

IT IS SO ORDERED this 13th day of January, 2015.

Melanie D. Wilson

Deputy Clerk

Prepared By:

James Matthew Davis

(WV State Bar No. 10820)

Jackson Kelly PLLC

P.O. Box 553

Charleston, West Virginia 25322

(304) 340-1000

Counsel for Noble Energy, Inc.


