
Public Hearing

Notice of Public Hearing

8 October, 2015 6:30-7:30 pm

Harpers Ferry Planning Commission To Amend

Part 13-Project and Zoning Code

The Harpers Ferry Planning Commission will recommend an amendment to the above ordinance to establish a Promontory Overlay District (Article 1313.04) that regulates redevelopment of the hotel and an amendment to Article 1322 – Nonconforming Provisions. A Hearing on the current proposals will be held on October 8, 2015.

Interested parties may appear and be heard in regard to the proposals and their testimony will be considered by the Planning Commission in its deliberation and recommendations to Council on the proposal. Copies of the proposed amendment are available from the Clerk at Town Hall, 100 Washington Street, Harpers Ferry, WV, or at

Written comments may be emailed to [email protected] or mailed to The Corporation of Harpers Ferry Planning Commission, re Zoning Ordinances, PO Box 217, Harpers Ferry, WV 25425 but must be received by the Hearing date to be considered.
