PUBLIC HEARING The City of Beckley Planning Commission will conduct a Public Hearing on the request of Bojangles’ Restaurant, owner, The Isaacs Group, P.C., agent, William D. Pugh, Project Manager, for Site Plan Review approval for 4,333 square feet restaurant, drive-thru, in the Beckley Plaza, at 4212 Robert C. Byrd Drive, Map 71, Parcel 11.1, in a B-2, General Commercial District. Anyone who wishes to be heard on this matter should be present at 4:00 p.m., Tuesday, October 6, 2015, in Common Council Chambers, Municipal Building, 409 South Kanawha Street, Beckley, WV. Written comments should be mailed to: City of Beckley Planning Commission, SPR Bojangles, 409 South Kanawha Street, Beckley, WV 25801, to be received by noon, October 6, 2015. Comments may be facsimiled to (304) 256-1815, or emailed to [email protected]. Michael Akers, President City of Beckley Planning Commission 9-18-FRI-1-RH; L 3439