Public Hearing
County Commission of Upshur County, West Virginia
Closure of Precinct 13 (Buckhannon Academy Elementary School) & Combine with Precinct 14 (Buckhannon Academy Elementary School)
The County Commission of Upshur County, West Virginia (Commission) will hold a public meeting at 9:15 a.m. on Thursday, July 23, 2015 in the Commission Meeting Chambers (Room 301) of the Upshur County Courthouse Annex located at 38 West Main Street, Buckhannon, West Virginia to consider final adoption and approval of an Order regarding the closure / combination of certain precincts. The order will close precinct 13 (Buckhannon Academy Elementary School) and the associated voting or polling location and combine precinct 13 with precinct 14 (Buckhannon Academy Elementary School). The Order will change the voting precinct boundaries as outlined on the following map / description. Any individual may appear at this meeting or submit written comments before that date to the following address:
Carrie L. Wallace, County Administrator
Office of the Upshur County Commission
38 West Main Street
Buckhannon, West Virginia 26201.
(Before Combining with Precinct 13)
Rt. 16 (Marion Street) at the bridge over the Buckhannon River, follow Marion Street northeasterly to intersection of Rt. 20 (South Kanawha Street), follow Rt. 20 to intersection of West Victoria Street, follow West Victoria Street to Blanche Street, follow to West Victoria Street to intersection of Mt. Vista Street, follow Mt. Vista Street to intersection of Academy Street and Webster Street, follow Academy Street in a southerly direction to corporation line at Kermit Street, follow corporation line which runs between Carol Street and Shawnee Drive to intersection of Shawnee Drive and Rohr Avenue, follow corporation line along Rohr Avenue to Gilbert Street, follow corporation line across Shawnee Drive to just south of Reger Street, follow corporation line across Rt. 20 to Moore Avenue, follow corporation line to Buckhannon River, follow corporation line across Buckhannon River to intersection of Secondary Road 16/12 (River Avenue), follow corporation line around Hinkle Drive Housing Project to Rt. 16, follow corporation line along Rt. 16 around Hinkle Drive Housing Project to intersection of Secondary Road 16/12 (River Avenue), follow corporation line along or in the Buckhannon River to the bridge over the Buckhannon River on Rt. 16 (Marion Street).
Beginning at a point on the Buckhannon corporation boundary where WV State Route 20 (RT. 20 South Road) intersects with Secondary Road 4/17 (Armory Road), follow Secondary Road 4/17 along corporation line toward Buckhannon River, follow corporation line in a northerly direction along Buckhannon River, then go easterly across Buckhannon River at Secondary Road 16/12 (Morgan Addition Road), follow corporation line south then east to Route 16 (Little Sand Run Road), follow corporation line along Route 16 around Hinkle Drive Housing Project to intersection with Secondary Road 16/12, follow corporation line along or in Buckhannon River to bridge over the Buckhannon River on Route 16 (Marion Street), continue to follow corporation line north along and across the Buckhannon River to the point where the corporation line intersects with Lower Drive, follow corporation line just past Rustic Drive and then go north after crossing Buckhannon River, continue to follow Buckhannon River and along boundary of property of West Virginia Split Rail to intersection of Railroad Avenue and College Avenue, follow College Avenue to Sedgwick Street intersection, follow Sedgwick Street westerly to intersection with Latham Street, follow Latham Street to intersection with South Florida Street, follow South Florida Street southeasterly to intersection with College Avenue, follow College Avenue southwesterly to WV State Route 20 (South Kanawha Street), follow WV State Route 20 to intersection with West Victoria Street, follow West Victoria Street to Blanche Street, follow to West Victoria Street to intersection with Mount Vista Drive, follow Mount Vista Drive to West Victoria Street, follow West Victoria Street to intersection with Academy Street, follow Academy Street in a southerly direction to corporation line, follow corporation line to intersection of Shawnee Drive and Rohr Avenue, follow corporation line along Rohr Avenue to Gilbert Street, follow corporation just south of Shawnee Drive and South of Reger Avenue to WV State Route 20 (South Kanawha Street), follow WV State Route 20 (South Kanawha Street which becomes RT 20 South Road) in a southerly direction to point of beginning.
6/30, 7/7