
Public Notice

Notice is hereby given that the Fairmont-Marion County Transit Authority at 400 Quincy Street, Fairmont, WV 26554 is hereby applying for a grant under the 49 U.S.C. Section 5311. A general description of the grant proposal is as follows:
The Fairmont Marion County Transit Authority is requesting Grant Funds in the amount of $1,650,985 to be shared between Federal and Local matching funds. The Transit Authority offers fixed routes that support Fairmont and surrounding areas of Marion County, Morgantown, and Clarksburg, along with par transit, and other forms of transportation aiding the citizens of Marion County. Additionally, should any Section 5311 capital funds become available, purchased equipment may include, but not be limited to: buses, vans or other paratransit vehicles, radios and communications equipment, passenger shelters, wheelchair lifts and restraints, computer hardware/software, spare parts or components; and other durable goods. Persons interested in holding a public hearing regarding the possible procurement of capital equipment must submit in writing within 15 days from the date of this notice.
No persons, families or businesses will be displaced by the project, but to the contrary, all persons, families and business will benefit from the project.
The proposed project will not have a significant environmental impact upon the service area.
The Transit Authority has taken into consideration the needs of the Elderly and the Disabled in establishing routes and schedules. There are currently 25 handicapped accessible vehicles in the Transit’s fleet that are used to take our citizens to work, shopping, and medical appointments.
Under Title VI of the Civil Rights Act of 1964, no person shall, on the grounds of race, color or national origin be excluded from participation in, be denied the benefits of, or be subjected to discrimination under its program of transit service delivery and related benefits by the Fairmont-Marion County Transit Authority. If translation services of any type, written or oral, are needed, please contact Fairmont-Marion County Transit Authority, contact information further down.
The purpose of the notice is to afford affected citizens, private transportation providers and other interested agencies an early opportunity to examine the proposal and offer comments, and/or recommendations on the overall scope of the proposed project.
The Grant proposal will be available for public inspection and comments for 15 days from the date of the Notice, January 16, 2015, between the hours of 8:00 a.m. and 5:00 p.m. Monday through Friday at the offices of the Fairmont-Marion County Transit Authority.
For further information and/or submission of comments, please contact:
George Levitsky, CCTM,
General Manager
400 Quincy Street
Fairmont, WV
(telephone) 304-366-8177
or (fax) 304-366-2308
Additionally, copies of
comments may be sent to
the following:
WV Division of
Public Transportation
Building 5, Room 906
1900 Kanawha
Boulevard, E.
Charleston, WV
George Levitsky, CCTM, General Manager
Times: January 16, 23, 2015
