
Public Notice

19037 Jan. 10,17
(Sturgiss United Methodist Church)
NOTICE is hereby given that the Board of Trustees of the West Virginia Annual Conference of the United Methodist Church will, on or after January 17, 2025 QUITCLAIM , GRANT and CONVEY to the Trustees of Sturgiss Chapel all those certain lots or parcels of land, situate in Morgan District, Monongalia County, West Virginia, and more particularly described as follows, to-wit:
BEGINNING at a stone on the Iris Ferry Turn Pike and running with said road S. 25 E. 10 poles to a stone, thence at right angles with the said road S. 65 W. 8 poles ____ poles to a stone and thence N. 65 E. 8 poles ____ containing one half acre more or less.
And being the same property conveyed from Geo. C. Sturgiss and Sabra Sturgiss to Trustees of the Sturgiss Church of the South Morgantown Circuit of the West Virginia Conference of the Methodist Protestant Church by Deed dated October 12, 1901 and recorded in the Office of the Clerk of the County Commission of Monongalia County, West Virginia in Deed Book 69, at Page 158, reference to which is hereby made.
BEGINNING at an iron rod, set on the west side of Rohr Snake Hill Road and also being a corner of a parcel of land owned by the Grantees, thence S. 65 W. 132 feet to an iron rod, another corner of a parcel of land owned by the Grantees, thence N. 28 10′ W. 60 feet to an iron rod, thence N. 65 E. 135 feet to an iron rod set on the west side of said Rohr Snake Hill Road, thence with said road right of way, S. 35 18′ E. 60 feet to the beginning, containing 0.2 acre, more or less.
And being the same property conveyed to the Trustees for the Sturgiss Chapel United Methodist Church from John T. Winston and Violet K. Winston, husband and wife by Deed dated April 30, 1979 and recorded in the aforesaid Clerks Office in Deed Book 821, at Page 673, reference to which is hereby made.
BEGINNING at an iron pin In the Western line of the lce’s Ferry Turnpike. corner to that certain one-half (1/2) acre parcel conveyed by Deed from George C. Sturgiss and Sabra 3. Sturgiss to the Trustees of “Sturgiss Church of the South Morgantown Circuit of the West Virginia Conference of the Methodist Protestant Church” dated the 12th day of October, 1901, and recorded in the office of the Clerk of the County Commission of Monongalia County, West Virginia, in Deed Book No. 69, at page 158; and running thence from said beginning point, as thus established, and with the Western limits of said public roadway, S. 24 E. 66 feet to an iron pin; thence with two (2) new division lines through Grantor’s property, S. 54 w. 198 feet to an iron pin; thence N. 2″ W. 231 feet to an iron pin in line of lands of Thomas G. Winston (Deed Book No. 823, at page 686) thence with the same, N. 64 E. 66 feet to an iron pin, the Northwest corner of the aforesaid Church lot; thence with the Western line thereof , S. 24 165 feet to an iron pin; thence with the Southern line of said Church lot, N. 64 E. 132 feet to the iron pin it the Southeastern corner of said Church lot, the point and place of beginning containing 0.55 of an acre, more or less , and surveyed by Paul W. Guseman, a plat of which survey is attached hereto as Exhibit A. and made a part hereof for descriptive purposes.
And being the same property conveyed to the Trustees for the Sturgiss Methodist Church from Preston County Coal and Coke Corporation, A corporation, by Deed dated June 3, 1987 and recorded in the aforesaid Clerks Office in Deed Book 970, at Page 485, reference to which is hereby made.
SAID Sturgiss Chapel United Methodist Church was declared closed effective July 1, 2024 by a vote of a majority of the District Superintendents of the West Virginia Annual Conference of the United Methodist Church.
DATED the 7 th day of January, 2025.
By: Robert N. File, Chancellor
130 Main Street
Beckley, West Virginia 25801
(304) 253-3358
