
Public Notice

TO: Amy Lyn Dearth
510 South Huron
Wheeling, WV 26003

In the Matter of: Amy Lyn Dearth, LPN
On Feb. 13, 2015, a Hearing Examiner issued a Report & Recommendation (R&R) that the Ohio Board of Nursing (Board) indefinitely suspend Ms. Dearth’s license to practice as a LPN, with conditions for reinstatement, to be followed by a stayed suspension with probationary terms and restrictions, based upon Ms. Dearth’s violations of Section 4723.28(B)(8), ORC, and Section 4723.28(B)(8), ORC [as in effect prior to June 8, 2012]. On Feb. 17, 2015, the Board mailed a copy of the R&R by certified mail to Ms. Dearth’s last known address of record, 510 South Huron, Wheeling, WV 26003, but the mailing was returned marked, “Attempted Not Known.” Pursuant to Section 119.09, ORC, Ms. Dearth may file written objections to the R&R within 10 days after the last date of publication of this notice. Please contact the undersigned to ascertain the last date of publication. Any questions or correspondence should be addressed to:
Lisa Ferguson-Ramos
Compliance Unit Manager
17 S. High Street,
Suite 400
Columbus, OH  43215-7410
Int. April 15, 22, 29, 2015

