
Public Notice

Please take notice that on the 9th day of February 2015 at 5:00 p.m. in City Council Chambers – Room 103 – 1st Floor, City-County Building, Wheeling, West Virginia, the Planning Commission will meet to consider a change of zoning classification of the following described area of the City of Wheeling from I-2 General Industrial to C-2 General Commercial.

The following tract of land situate on the northerly side of 32nd Street, between Wood Street and Lane G, City of Wheeling, Ohio County, West Virginia, and being more particularly bounded and described as follows:

Beginning at an iron pin found in the easterly line of Wood Street at its intersection with the northerly line of 32nd Street; thence from said beginning iron pin and with said easterly line N. 14* 04′ W. (based on the meridian of Deed Book 836, at page 191, Parcel 1, hereinafter mentioned), 294 and 2.10 feet to an iron pin set; thence leaving Wood Street and with other lands remaining to the party of the first part hereto, S. 88* 31′ E. 266 and 36/100 feet to an iron pin set in the westerly line of Lane G; thence with same S. 01* 29′ W. 320 feet to an iron pin found in said northerly line of 32nd Street; thence with same N. 77* 28′ 36″ W. 190 and 99/100 feet to the place of beginning, containing by survey made by Stegman & Schellhase, Inc., Civil Engineers and Surveyors on November 19, 2014, one and five hundred fifty-five one thousandths (1 and 55/1000) acres, more or less.

If you would like to express your opinion concerning this matter, you are invited to attend the above mentioned public hearing. For additional information, please contact the Department of Economic & Community Development at:

Janice L. Jones,
City Clerk
Int. Jan. 24, 2015

