
Public Notice

In The Circuit Court
Of Ohio County
West Virginia
In The Matter Of The Change Of Name:
Penny L. Koshenko
Penny L. Holeczy
Civil Action No. 15-P-71

The object of the above entitled civil action is for Penny L. Koshenko to legally change his/her name to Penny L. Holeczy.
Notice is hereby given that the undersigned will apply by petition to the Circuit Court of Ohio County, West Virginia, for the entering of an Order by said Court for changing the name of Penny L. Koshenko to Penny L. Holeczy
A hearing shall be on the 13th day of July, 2015 at 10:00am o’clock before the Honorable Judge Wilson.
Anyone interested may appear to protect their interest.
Entered by the Clerk of said Court this 22nd of June, 2015.

Brenda L. Miller
Circuit Clerk,
Ohio County
N.R. June 24, 2015

